Last week I had the unexpected pleasure of attending the UK Music Video Awards. I say unexpected as I was completely surprised by how inspiring the night was – these things are usually so dull. It’s the awards for the all the people who make music videos and so is rather artsy, but given I spend most of my waking day watching the same slug of pop music videos, it was really great to see some of the talent that unfortunately doesn’t make it into the hi-rotation lists. There were some great videos shown (and honoured), some of my favourites… willy moon – yeah yeah (which I got to present) yeah yeah yeahs – sacrilege rudimental – not giving in (always do great vids) jon hopkins – open eye signal There were some great films but that were let down by the music, for me a great music video has to have both. And my absolute favourite of the night was Gesaffelstein – Pursuit.
Gesaffelstein | Pursuit from DIVISION on Vimeo.
In music TV, unfortunately the formula is pretty simple, margins are tight and we need to hit ratings, you do that by playing the hits so a lot of stuff never gets a look in. That said, we’re toying around with a few ideas that could unshackle us a little from always having to cover costs (or significant ones at any rate) and so we may get to be a little more experimental after all…